The Quest For The Cup - Season 3

Keele University

Played     1
Won        1  [100.0%]
Lost       0      [0%]
Drawn      0      [0%]
Tied       0      [0%]

Career Batting Averages - Keele University

Player                     T     I   NO    Runs   Avge  HS   100   50   Ct  St
M. Whalley                 1     2    0     190  95.00 127     1    1    0   0
D.P.A. Thomas              1     2    1      74  74.00  43*    0    0    1   0
J. O'Shea                  1     2    0     123  61.50 108     1    0    2   0
G.T. Wallis                1     2    0      68  34.00  68     0    1    0   0
The. Muppet                1     2    0      40  20.00  30     0    0    0   0
K. Mannering               1     2    0      33  16.50  21     0    0    1   0
B. Mitchell                1     2    0      27  13.50  27     0    0    1   0
A. Konowe                  1     2    0      24  12.00  23     0    0    4   1
C. Seber                   1     2    1      11  11.00   8     0    0    1   0
P. Case                    1     2    0      17   8.50  13     0    0    0   0
S.J. Millington            1     2    1       8   8.00   8*    0    0    1   0

Career Bowling Averages - Keele University

                                                                          5 10
Player                     T        O     M    Runs  Wkts   Avge  Best   wI wM
D.P.A. Thomas              1     42.0    18      77     9   8.56  7-50    1  0
S.J. Millington            1     26.5     8      67     5  13.40  4-28    0  0
The. Muppet                1     25.3     7      53     3  17.67  2-31    0  0
C. Seber                   1     28.0    14      54     3  18.00  3-7     0  0

Current Ratings - Keele University

Player                          Batting        Bowling        Fielding
G.T. Wallis                    169  [+169]                   -27  [-27]
M. Whalley                     553  [+553]                   -10  [-10]
Col. Ollie
J. O'Shea                      371  [+371]                    47  [+47]
B. Mitchell                     29  [+29]                      3  [+3]
K. Mannering                    79  [+79]                     12  [+12]
P. Case                         44  [+44]                      0
H. Howe
M.L. Parietti
D.P.A. Thomas                  226  [+226]    680  [+680]      0
The. Muppet                    101  [+101]    209  [+209]    -13  [-13]
S.J. Millington                 14  [+14]     332  [+332]     -5  [-5]
C. Seber                        25  [+25]     162  [+162]    -29  [-29]
P. Wilder
A. Konowe                       59  [+59]                    369  [+369]
L. Parietti
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