CD-ROM Order form [TimGlover]

The CD-ROM is produced by Daniel Thomas and Tortyfoo Software Limited.

Buy the CD-ROM online for US$20 via a secure server.

Alternatively to order the CD-ROM fill in your details below then send/fax it to: CD-ROM [TimGlover]
Tortyfoo Software Limited
44 Pimpernel Drive
West Midlands
United Kingdom

Phone : +44 (0)7976 327590
Fax : +44 (0)1922 616324
Email :

If phoning from overseas please note time differences and keep to the hours 7pm - 10pm GMT weekdays, 10am - 10pm GMT  weekends.  If you phone or fax me outside these hours an additional 10 UKP may be added to your bill :-)

--- Start of Order Form --- Cut here CD-ROM Release 011 [TimGlover]
Buy the CD-ROM online for US$20 via a secure server.  
Payment method    
[ ] Cheque   [ ] Postal Order   [ ] Cash (Beware of the risks)
[ ] Mastercard   [ ] Visa   [ ] Delta   [ ] Switch    
Make Cheques/Postal Orders payable to Tortyfoo Software Ltd.    
Name and Initials
(This must be as appears on) ____________________________________
 the card if applicable)
Address (Card address ___________________________________________
 if applicable)
Card Number _____________________________________    
Expiry Date _____________________________________    
Bank issuing Credit Card ________________________    
Issue No. (Switch only) _________________________    
Signature _______________________________________    
Telephone Number ________________________________________________    
E-Mail Address __________________________________________________    
Please send    
___ copies of CD-ROM at £10 per copy  _____    
                Postage & Packing £2 (free inside UK)  _____    
    £2* surcharge if paying by credit card/debit card  _____    
                                         Total amount _______    
*The reason for this surcharge is I am unable to take credit card
 orders directly so use another company.  They charge me 20% and
 I can not absorb these additional costs for the CD-ROM due to the higher costs in producing the
If any of these details are incomplete or incorrect your order
can not be processed so please check carefully.    
Please allow 21 days (UK) or 28 days (elsewhere) for delivery.    
Computer Owned [ ] 386   [ ] Pentium
               [ ] 486   [ ] Other __________________________    
Windows Owned  [ ] 3.x   [ ] 95/98   [ ] NT    
Comments: _______________________________________________________    